Monday, January 26, 2009

Blast from the Past

Just in case you were wondering...

Taran Noah Smith (the youngest kid from Home Improvement) does not in fact own a vegan cart in the streets of New York City. I know, I know, you've probably seen Jared, who works at Barnes and Noble's and totally looks like a grown up version of this kid, who has been spouting this lie, but it's so not true. Nope, this kid is way better off than that. He runs a vegan restaurant in Studio City, that he used to share with his wife, until the divorce. She was about a million years old, he was like 12 when they got married. Ok, total exaggeration. I think he was 17 and she was probably in her mid-thirties. To be honest, I kind of like the idea of him running a falafel stand on 8th street better.

And in case you wanted to know what happened to Jared from Zoom? Don't ask. It's sad. But Zoey goes to NYU, or so I've heard.

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