Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Solar Eclipse

Today is the day of the solar eclipse, which happens to coincide with the new moon. Now I'll admit, this didn't really mean much to me yesterday, until my boss explained that for those who believe in feng shui, this is the perfect opportunity to improve your success. I don't really get the why, exactly, so I'll let Master Pun Yin explain it to you. But it's a great time to thank the universe, God, whoever/whatever you believe in for all the wonderful things you have received, and then make requests for the future.

It's really important that this doesn't become a wish list of things you want. Pun Yin suggests that you should offer the universe something in return for your requests that are fulfilled, and to make sure that you don't promise anything that you can't or won't follow through on. One thing we can all agree on is that no matter who or what you believe in, we can't take such blessings for granted.

This is supposed to work best if you're not eating meat today, so it's the perfect time to try out that vegetarian diet you've been considering.

I know this is little different from anything else I've posted, and I'll be honest, I'm a little skeptical. But I like the sentiment that Pun Yin makes at the end of her post. Today is a day to think nice, speak kindly and be respectful of others. And if we work together to do these three things today, maybe we can bring about positive changes to the universe ourselves.

1 comment:

Erin Cathleen said...

I love this post! Right up my alley. :) I admit I didn't know about this and missed anything about the solar eclipse and new moon yesterday; now I'm bummed! But I was thinking happy thoughts as I sipped my chai tea (and ate my Taco Bell; vegetarian-style, of course!). <3